Amir Baghari for Vice Persident

I’ve  worked for the City of North Vancouver since 2009 in a supervisory role. I support building services staff and civic facilities. I am married and my son is 14 years old. We have a dog called Coco and a parrot named DJ. Family and community is very important to me.  I have been a proud CUPE member since 2000 and got involved with union activism very quickly because I have experienced living in an unjust society back in my native country of Iran.

I have held various leadership roles within CUPE 389 including, Union rep for North Vancouver Recreation Commission and Inside Union Rep for the City of North Vancouver from 2009 to 2022. I have also acted as 1st Vice president between Oct 2022 and Jan 2023. I have successfully advocated and helped injured members through work safe review applications and WCAT. I have been a member of health and safety committees in various years and have served as a delegate to CUPE Metro and Vancouver District Labour Council, as well as a delegate to CUPE BC and CUPE National.

I have taken various union education courses in the past 23 years and with your support, I am well positioned with my experience and knowledge to make a difference. I am dedicated to giving back to our membership for the betterment of working conditions, benefits, wages and improved collective agreements.

As 1st Vice President, with your support, I pledge and strive to build a unified and strong CUPE 389 through collaboration and trust. Building solidarity among members will be my priority and as a result we can focus on improving working conditions and collective agreements. To my knowledge, over the past 23 years, our Local has never accepted concessions and this will also be a priority in restoring that practice in bargaining which will make life easier for our hard- working members. Local 389 will be giving back to our membership and I feel we should bring back the children’s Christmas party. This is important as the families of our members are the backbone of CUPE 389. I look forward to your support in this upcoming election.


In solidarity,

Amir Bagheri